Welcome to the Southwest Meteorite Collection. We are grateful for the opportunity to share some of the most amazing stones to fall from the sky through this virtual tour of our personal collection of meteorites and tektites.
We have been blessed with this collection which was derived from many years of unfettered access to meteorites. We have accumulated more than 300 locations weighing over 8000 pounds; plus thousands of unclassified Northwest Africa specimens. The Southwest Meteorite Collection started with one small Canyon Diablo meteorite and has grown into one of the largest private collections in the world. Our collecting goals are presentation, science, research and continued growth.
Our collection was made for public exhibitions. The larger the specimens give the biggest “awe” factor, in person. Therefore we have preserved complete specimens whenever possible. Some specimens, like art, demonstrate the intrinsic beauty and appeal of meteorites. We have specimens to demonstrate examples of particular characteristics like fusion crust, thumb-printing (regmaglypts) and orientation. We also like the unusual shapes like holes and spicules.
The collection contains most types and classifications. Secondary specimens in our collections are important for research and for the purpose of growth and improvement through trades. We hope you will be inspired by these meteorites. So, have a look and enjoy. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Kitty and Marvin Killgore,
The Southwest Meteorite Collection
Payson, Arizona
August 2008

Exhibit at University of Arizona
Marvin’s First Meteorite
Canyon Diablo
Collection Room