Glorieta Mountain


Pallasite Meteorite

An elongated iron meteorite specimen with remnant fusion crust on three extremities. This where melted metals thicken. Nice sample in a membrane frame.


35 x 14 x 3 mm

14.4 g complete individual

PPG: $19.44


Glorieta Mountain

  • United States
    • New Mexico
Found: 1884
  • Stony-Iron
  • Pallasite
  • Ungrouped
Total known weight: >138 kg.

Less than half of the Glorieta Mountain meteorites have the olivine crystals which make it a pallasite. Even some specimens are half pallasite and half siderite (solid iron). In literature this meteorite is considered a prehistoric fall but many still have fusion crust with details like flow lines. Interesting history in the area, the meteorite strewn field is found near a Civil War battlefield, The battle of Glorieta Pass and the Sante Fe trail; So meteorites were found among metallic relics like musket balls, buttons and pocket knives. The area is rugged and steep; and much of it lies on private property, nowadays.