Gebel Kamil Meteorite


Kamil Crater Iron

The iron meteorite fragmented upon impact: each has a unique shrapnel pattern. This specimen has a different type of soil and patina.

100 x 50 x 27 mm

434.8 g complete fragment

PPG: $1.20


Categories: ,

Gebel Kamil

  • Egypt
    • East Uweinat Desert
Found: 2009. February 19
  • Iron
  • Ungrouped
Total known weight: 2000 KG

A total of about 1600 kg of iron meteorite shrapnel (thousands of pieces), ranging in mass from < 1 to 35,000 g, plus a single 83 kg individual completely covered with well developed regmaglypts, was found in and around the 45 m diameter Kamil impact crater by an Italian-Egyptian geophysical team in February 2009 and February 2010. Approximately 800 kg of the total mass observed in the field (the regmaglypted individual inclusive) was recovered. The Kamil crater was identified by V. De Michele, former curator of the Natural History Museum in Milan, Italy.