Meteorites were discovered in 1988 by Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker; the crater was identify earlier. The location was difficult to get to but eventually adventurers did find it and found a few specimens.
Meteoritical Bulletin: MB 67
Thirty-four small, metallic fragments, the largest weighing 36 g, have been recovered around a crater 80 metres in diameter, E. Shoemaker (1988) pers. comm. Classification, analysis, 5.8% Ni, 57.7 ppm Ga, 160 ppm Ge, 0.028 ppm Ir, J. T. Wasson et al. (1989) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 53, 735.
Earth Impact Database:
Veevers Crater
Western Australia, Australia
D = 0.08 km, Age < 1 Ma; exposed
Impact crater cited in the Earth Impact Database, maintained by the Planetary and Space Science Centre, University of New Brunswick, Canada.