Southwest Meteorite Laboratory – Meteorites, Impactites, Tektites and more

Southwest Meteorite Laboratory providing meteorites for research, education, and private collectors since 1990.

Welcome to the website store with an inventory of some of the most celebrated meteorites from around the world. We have meteorites for everyone: from small specimens for first time buyers to large museum-worthy specimens like no others on Earth. Fukang, Meteorite - Southwest Meteorite Laboratory

We are a family business started by Marvin and Kitty Killgore of Payson, Arizona: a trusted source of meteorites for more than 30 years.  Many meteorites were found by us, personally in the field but we acquire many more from Buying, Selling and Trading worldwide. We have a huge selection of meteorites to offer. So, if you do not see what you are looking for contact us,

Marvin and Kitty Killgore,
Southwest Meteorite Laboratory

See a daughter’s perspective on the iconic photograph The Cowboy & the Meteorite.

What is a Meteorite?

Read some frequently asked questions and answers about meteorites in the About Meteorites section.

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